Rail Tec Arsenal

Rail Tec Arsenal is an internationally active independent research and testing institute. For more than 50 years the special competence in performing climatic tests has been located and further developed at the technological location Vienna. As innovation driver we are committed to analysing, testing and providing development support for rail and road vehicles, aircraft, new transport systems, and other technical systems that are exposed to extreme climatic conditions. RTA operates two modern Climatic Wind Tunnels and is a globally recognised expert in climatic testing. The modern facility provides the basis for innovative development services designed to optimise thermal comfort and energy efficiency in public transport vehicles and to improve the safety of sensitive technical systems. 

Any kind of weather can be reproduced at the push of a button – from extreme solar radiation to snow, rain and ice. In combination with wind, load and drive cycle simulation, it is possible to create test scenarios that are closer to reality than those achievable in other weather labs. Since 2013, due to extensive capital investments and enhanced expertise the facility can simulate even specific icing situations (cloud forms) of particular interest to the aviation industry.